If you are unfamiliar with the author Chuck Klosterman, get acquainted. I was in Seattle at the beginning of October and found myself roaming the isles of Barnes and Nobles in the basement of the Pacific Place while my mother returned a clothing item. I had heard of his most well known book "Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs" which is available at any college bookstore in the country but was unable to find it in the Pop Culture section here. What I did find was his book "IV" which is a collection of the articles and interviews he did while employed by Esquire and Spin magazine. I wasn't ready to invest the $14 since it wasn't really what I had been looking for but I decided to read the Brittany Spears interview at the beginning of the book while I waited. It was an amazing interview especially since it had been conducted before Brittany's disastrous Challenger-like failings shortly there after. It almost seemed to predict the person we would all come to know. A country girl who was completely sheltered from the world and is either clueless (probably) or shrewd (probably not) as they come. Needless to say I purchased it and was immersed in a world of Bono, Billy Joel, Gilbert Arenes, Val Kilmer and many other bizarrely fascinating famous people. Since I found this book to be so rewarding I went to the Boston University bookstore when I returned to Boston and bought S,D and CP. After being spun around by this collection of essay's including why he hates soccer as a professional sport and the story of him going on the road with a Guns N' Roses cover band I couldn't wait for his newest book (Eating the Dinosaur)to be released. Well that day came last Tuesday and I am only a chapter in (I have been binging on Mad Men too!) but this book provides the promise of the best collection yet. There is nothing better than getting new work from any artist that displays them honing their skill even more than their last work (progress is good in the arts). So if you are like me and like slightly crazy, consciously clever and always entertaining books about everything (and nothing at the same time) you are sure to like Chuck Klosterman.
Don't waste your time on his fiction book "Downtown Owl". I read it and HATED it. Loved everything else he's done though. Klosterman was also on Bill Simmons' podcast recently for a 2-parter: http://sports.espn.go.com/espnradio/podcast/archive?id=2864045
ReplyDeleteGreat listen!
My favorite guest that Simmons has on his podcasts. I wasn't sure whether it would be worth checking out Downtown Owl because it seemed like it would take away most of what I have come to like about Klosterman (truth is stranger than fiction). Thanks for the heads up. I will be reading BS' Big Book of Basketball next. Def expecting big things!