In a night that needed no help with hyperbole most Pats fans found themselves at a loss for words by this games final act. After watching New England control the game for 3 quarters it all came down to 1 play with just over 2 minutes in the game. It was one of the game’s greatest coaches and one of the game’s greatest players having to execute when the game mattered most. And they did, and they lost. In the post game press conference Tom Brady kept referring to this being “a game of inches” and as Kevin Faulk bobbled the ball, collected it and was hit those inches needed evaporated into thick air. Was Belichick wrong for going for it on 4th and 2, up by 6? If you think about what most coaches would do you would have to assume that it was the wrong call. You punt the ball, pin them in their territory and put it on your defense to try to stop Peyton Manning. But what if you had one of the game’s greatest quarterback with two of the league’s best wide receivers and one of the most reliable backs in franchise history? What if you knew you could get 2 feet at any time in the game and when you needed it most you only got 1 and a half? Would your choice be considered wrong? Probably. I haven’t listened to sports radio today or read the newspaper (Every time my team loses or the Yankee’s win I avoid the media for a day or 2) so I don’t know what the masses are saying. I’m sure our colorful New England constituents have quite a bit to say on this matter. Last night on Channel 7 I watched Steve Burton conduct an interview with TE Ben Watson right after the game. He started with a question about “how do you lose this game?” and as he continued to contextually describe his question it became a rant in which Ben Watson prompted him as Burton paused to breath, “go on”. I knew the feeling he was going through. It was one where an answer wasn’t going to really answer anything and the only real relief was to ask “why” this tragedy had happened. Yet that pain from past disappointments didn’t seem to equal the utter shock experienced by this finish. It was the ultimate loss yet it happened in the middle of a season that still looks fraught with opportunity. They had beaten the Colts for 58 minutes with an array of weapons and from great play from the offensive line. They were on the road and were within an inch of pulling off an incredible
win in a hostile environment. I for one would rather see my team lose a game with a chance to seal the victory on their own then put it in the hands of the other guy and hope you just hold on. If you had Michael Jordan on your team and the other team had Lebron James and there were 7 seconds left in the game, would you: A) Want to be up by 1 with your opponent and Lebron having the last chance to shoot. Or B) Have possession, be down by 1 but have MJ taking the final shot. Now if there is a difference for you in regards to MJ of King James, switch it so that the better of the two is on your team. For me it’s MJ taking that last shot because it is a better decision then trying to stop Lebron. This is what Belichick had to have been thinking (though probably without the NBA analogy). So while the Patriots may have short circuited and let this one get away, knowing this is a game of inches I’ll take my guys every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
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