Thursday, December 3, 2009
El Tigre - Image of a tiger
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Pats Short Circuit Against Indy

In a night that needed no help with hyperbole most Pats fans found themselves at a loss for words by this games final act. After watching New England control the game for 3 quarters it all came down to 1 play with just over 2 minutes in the game. It was one of the game’s greatest coaches and one of the game’s greatest players having to execute when the game mattered most. And they did, and they lost. In the post game press conference Tom Brady kept referring to this being “a game of inches” and as Kevin Faulk bobbled the ball, collected it and was hit those inches needed evaporated into thick air. Was Belichick wrong for going for it on 4th and 2, up by 6? If you think about what most coaches would do you would have to assume that it was the wrong call. You punt the ball, pin them in their territory and put it on your defense to try to stop Peyton Manning. But what if you had one of the game’s greatest quarterback with two of the league’s best wide receivers and one of the most reliable backs in franchise history? What if you knew you could get 2 feet at any time in the game and when you needed it most you only got 1 and a half? Would your choice be considered wrong? Probably. I haven’t listened to sports radio today or read the newspaper (Every time my team loses or the Yankee’s win I avoid the media for a day or 2) so I don’t know what the masses are saying. I’m sure our colorful New England constituents have quite a bit to say on this matter. Last night on Channel 7 I watched Steve Burton conduct an interview with TE Ben Watson right after the game. He started with a question about “how do you lose this game?” and as he continued to contextually describe his question it became a rant in which Ben Watson prompted him as Burton paused to breath, “go on”. I knew the feeling he was going through. It was one where an answer wasn’t going to really answer anything and the only real relief was to ask “why” this tragedy had happened. Yet that pain from past disappointments didn’t seem to equal the utter shock experienced by this finish. It was the ultimate loss yet it happened in the middle of a season that still looks fraught with opportunity. They had beaten the Colts for 58 minutes with an array of weapons and from great play from the offensive line. They were on the road and were within an inch of pulling off an incredible
win in a hostile environment. I for one would rather see my team lose a game with a chance to seal the victory on their own then put it in the hands of the other guy and hope you just hold on. If you had Michael Jordan on your team and the other team had Lebron James and there were 7 seconds left in the game, would you: A) Want to be up by 1 with your opponent and Lebron having the last chance to shoot. Or B) Have possession, be down by 1 but have MJ taking the final shot. Now if there is a difference for you in regards to MJ of King James, switch it so that the better of the two is on your team. For me it’s MJ taking that last shot because it is a better decision then trying to stop Lebron. This is what Belichick had to have been thinking (though probably without the NBA analogy). So while the Patriots may have short circuited and let this one get away, knowing this is a game of inches I’ll take my guys every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
1/4 Of My Household Income 2nd Installment
Lets start with art. In art the less there are of the product the better so if there is only 1 that is the best and if there are 400 that is still good, 2,000 is ok if it is a high demand artist or print but over 5,000 you are usually only buying the art because you really like it, not to make money down the road. I buy art because I like it and to make money. There are a few new artists that are affordable and their resale go up right away. Shepard Fairey (Obey Giant) is the 1st one I will mention and one of favorite artists. If you can score one of his limited prints from his web sight when they go on sale, your print will double in price immediately. They usually range from $50-$100. Make sure its a screen print and not a lithograph. Most of his limited edition screen prints sell out in under 1min so like buying tickets timing is everything. Your best resale margin is after 3-5 years so look at it as an investment. I have sold many right away because I needed the money so only hang on to them if you can.
The 2nd artist I will mention is Emek . He is not as famous as Obey but his art still sells at a good margin and I would hang it on my wall (Not all but some). Both Obey and Emek do a lot of work for musicians and that is how I have come to know them.
Anyone selling anything on the internet now has a store page , make sure to bookmark this page. Subscribe to their e-mail list. Emek will always send an e-mail before a print goes on sale and there will always be a set time. Obey on the other hand will hardly ever send out an e-mail and only give a date of the sale not a time. I check Obey's web sight once a day to see if any new items will go on sale soon. There is a program that costs $50 called UpdatePatrol that allows you to save a web page and whenever that web page makes a change it lets you if Obey is selling a new print and UpdatePatrol is running it will let you know when the print is up for sale. Otherwise you sit there and refresh your page for 6 hours.
Here is a print I just got bought as I was typing ($55) and here is how much it is going for now. I will keep mine for awhile. Saving this art also makes great presents, if you are tight on cash, just bust out a print.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The Digital Music Era
Monday, October 26, 2009
Binging on Chuck Klosterman

If you are unfamiliar with the author Chuck Klosterman, get acquainted. I was in Seattle at the beginning of October and found myself roaming the isles of Barnes and Nobles in the basement of the Pacific Place while my mother returned a clothing item. I had heard of his most well known book "Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs" which is available at any college bookstore in the country but was unable to find it in the Pop Culture section here. What I did find was his book "IV" which is a collection of the articles and interviews he did while employed by Esquire and Spin magazine. I wasn't ready to invest the $14 since it wasn't really what I had been looking for but I decided to read the Brittany Spears interview at the beginning of the book while I waited. It was an amazing interview especially since it had been conducted before Brittany's disastrous Challenger-like failings shortly there after. It almost seemed to predict the person we would all come to know. A country girl who was completely sheltered from the world and is either clueless (probably) or shrewd (probably not) as they come. Needless to say I purchased it and was immersed in a world of Bono, Billy Joel, Gilbert Arenes, Val Kilmer and many other bizarrely fascinating famous people. Since I found this book to be so rewarding I went to the Boston University bookstore when I returned to Boston and bought S,D and CP. After being spun around by this collection of essay's including why he hates soccer as a professional sport and the story of him going on the road with a Guns N' Roses cover band I couldn't wait for his newest book (Eating the Dinosaur)to be released. Well that day came last Tuesday and I am only a chapter in (I have been binging on Mad Men too!) but this book provides the promise of the best collection yet. There is nothing better than getting new work from any artist that displays them honing their skill even more than their last work (progress is good in the arts). So if you are like me and like slightly crazy, consciously clever and always entertaining books about everything (and nothing at the same time) you are sure to like Chuck Klosterman.
Monday, October 19, 2009
1/4 Of My Household Income
There are 3 main areas that work for me because my knowledge in those areas allow me to make good buying decisions. I will outline each area individually in separate entries so each can be absorbed equally.
First is the event ticket market, specifically music and comedy. Going to concerts & shows is something I have been doing for a long time now and at some point learned that if you are inline or online first when tickets go on sale you can get the best seats in the house. As everyone probably knows great seats sell often for as much as 3x what you pay, so I started buying extra tickets to the shows I wanted to go see and selling the extras to pay for my tickets to the show. After doing this for about 3 years I knew what bands sold out, what venues were the most popular and most importantly where I can sell my tickets (eBay & CL). Rap concerts never sell as good unless its Jay-Z, Snoop, Dre, all the big names do fine but they still do not sell out nearly as fast as rock shows. Seattle is one of many states (38) that ticket brokering is legal as long as you are not reselling the tickets on the venue property (Door scalping) and you must also pay your taxes.
Rather then talk about the ethics of this market I want to focus on feeding my family while enjoying life. To do that I will focus on the details to make it possible. You need the following, high speed internet, not an iPhone or DSL, you need Cable or above. I don't even use my wireless network at home because you will loose the necessary band width needed. Stay wired. I even pay the extra $10 a month to get the juice boost from Comcast. Next you need to know the pre-sale password. You will always get the best seats through fan club pre-sales or other pre-sales like it. This password, 9 times out of 10, gets sent by email after you sign up for the artist fan club, promoting companies or venues. I have a few favorite venues and promoting companies that do me right every time. And the final ingredients are, be signed up to and logged into whoever is selling the tickets. For example get a Ticket Master account and be logged into that account. Also have a credit card on file to use. When its says tickets go on sale at 10am start refreshing your screen at 9:59:50 (Make sure your clock is right). Then type like hell and navigate your way to the pay screen. Speed counts. If you follow all these things correctly you will get good seats.
Once you have good seats do your research and find the market value. I do not like to sit on tickets so I undercut market value by 5% so they sell quick. You might have to adjust that number a few times until the market finds a balance. The best place to sell your tickets is Craigslist because there are no fees involved but that off sets itself by people being unreliable. Sometimes its just easier to pay eBay and Paypal to make things go smoothly. I once met a girl on CL that showed up with a check written to half of the amount. She claimed it was her only check. She was attractive so maybe she was thinking I would give them to her for half price. HELL NO BITCH I'm married and I need the money. I wanted to go getto on that ho and scratch her eyes out (click here),but kept my composure and had her cross out and rewrite the check. "Initials please" is what I said before she handed to me. The check looked like my 2 year old went to town on it. I took a risk and the check was good so I did not have to cancel the tickets (An option if you tell the seller you lost them). I did give her $10 off just because I did not want her to drive away. Anyways lesson learned, always go over the price with the buyer on the phone and in an e-mail so its clear.
This quick overview is not the end all be all of ticket brokering but it is a good place to start. My next entry will go over buying and selling products for profit.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Boston Sports: The Monday Hangover

Saturday, October 10, 2009
Red Sox: Season on the Brink

Friday, October 2, 2009
Who You Gonna Call?
Dan the man was signing bottles at the University Village the other day and we made a go at it. The line was long (700+) but the eclectic bunch of goers adorned with Blues Brothers attire and The State Puff Marshmallow Man dolls made the hour+ wait not so bad. Dan was all business, signing bottles as fast as someone handed them to him. He was kind enough to sign anything anyone brought and take pictures as well. Not saying much but keeping the herd satisfied the line flowed rather fast. We took some pictures and were on our way. Clel, on the way out, in his little boyish voice said "By Dan" and Dan replied "By honey it was good to see you".
He also confirmed Ghost Busters 3 is on the way.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Just Made A Record With Jack White
They put my wife & I up in a beautiful hotel and we made the most of our night out on the town in Nashville. I have never seen so much country music and karaoke within a 2 mile radius. Meghan laid down a great rendition of Man In The Box along with a few others.
Our tour of Third Man Records (Jack White's Record Label & Store) started at 12pm in the front room. To give a little background on the record store, it is a fairly large space when looking at it from the outside but when you walk in to the store it is a tiny little room that barley fits 10 people. So where did all the space go? The back has never been open to any public and we knew we would be some of the 1st to servery whats behind the curtain.
Like a scene out of Charley and the Chocolate Factory JW comes out of the back bull horn bumpin in one hand and clove a blazin in the other. With a brief introduction he asked us to follow him back into his home. His workers included females and males dressed in uniform reminiscent of the umpa lumpas. Our umpa hosts were very accommodating. Unfortunately we were not allowed to take pictures of this space and its too bad because words could not do it justice. Full kitchen, living room, working stop light, photo booth, offices, jukebox, stage, photo shoot area, underground tunnels, dressing room and Jack Lawrence playing the stand up bass in the closet! All of the highest quality, saturated with bright colors and finished in master woodworking. Jack invited us to have a coke from the fridge and take a look around. He explained where the influences came from in each room. There was an unreleased White Stripes record playing in the background and all in all a pretty laid back environment.
Recently TMR released a series of records called the blue series where each different recording artist had their picture taken behind the blue staging area. Jack explained that we would each be making a record with our picture on it with him. How fuckin sweet is that. Here it is...its always and after thought but I wish I would have posed cool but instead I have a big shit eating grin on my face but at least it shows we were having fun.
After taking our pictures Meghan gave Jack some fresh tomatoes from our garden. Not sure if he would give us the freak card for that Meg followed through. He was very grateful and said this is great these will definitely get eaten.
Next we toured United Record Pressing where all TMR releases are printed. They are one of the biggest plants in the world and have been doing a great job for many decades. If you want to make a record this is where you go.
On our way out we were given a bag of goodies along with our finished record. All in all a great, one of a lifetime trip, that will always be fun to look back on.
Thanks Jack
Monday, September 21, 2009
Quick Note: Gilbert Arenas
Arenas had only played in 8 games this season due to a knee injury, before he started practicing again in May, and returned to action on April 2, 2008 against the Milwaukee Bucks,[13] scoring 17 points in a 110–109 home loss.[14]
Ten days prior, Arenas stormed out of the locker room before a game against the Detroit Pistons.[15] He had wanted to play, but his doctor did not give him clearance.[16] Arenas made a surprise return on April 9, when he came out of the locker room with 5:30 left in the first quarter.
I mean really?! These players are unreal. It's no wonder kids identify with these guys. They behave just like them. I remember how cool I thought Barry Bonds was when he would non-chalant his fly ball catches and now I realize that if I wouldn't find that attitude cool in any other proffesional. Maybe I'm showing my age but I thing I'm just showing my class.
Movie Seen: Informant!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Cape Cod, Nunfest 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Inglourious Bastards- What are we supposed to think Quentin?
Hits From The Bong All Day Long
Also The Cronic Re Lit From The Vault. Who is the artist?
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Are We Really Off That??
Instead, Hey Jay how about just sticking to rhymes, and slaying rappers witch you were so good at during one point in your career(Jim Jones, Jaz-o, Nas, Game---all slayed..). Don't put us on another planet yet tempt us to what hip hop could be...... And should be... MR. BeemOne
Friday, August 28, 2009
Quick Thoughts
If you live near Boston why not? Roof top?
Looks Wicked (Johnny's Find)
Out of Seattle and tearing it up
Shows I will be at
AIC (The Moore)
KISS (The Key)
Puscifer (The Moore)
Wolfmother (The Paramount)
The Eagle Has Landed
crack heads given a choice....... Lets see uhhh...
Hip hop beefs
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Fuck n Bad ASS...& Free - Seattle
This had all the ingredients to go down in the books. We lined up outside of the EMP around 6:30 and when the name checker gave us our wrist bands (Yellow 21+, red for entry) he said your going to want to keep these on even after the show is over...interesting.
Upon entering the EMP we all cattled our way to the Sky Church. There was a line near the front and I thought it was for drinks and as I got closer I realized that was the stage, SHIT MAN! This place was tinny. Just before the show a man in a red jersey came on stage and said "take one" so we new it was being filmed. They busted out 5 great classics that the crowd of around 300+ sang along with every word.The music sounded perfect.
Got Me Wrong
No Excuses
Down in a Hole
Security was starting to clear a path near us so we knew something was up. After the last song Jerry said "we are going to try something kinda fun, follow us". So everyone followed out of the EMP, around the Space Needle and through the carnival rides in the direction of the laser dome. The whole time walking along side the band. I took some time to go up to Jerry and say hi. I had my jersey on from playing in the fantasy foot ball league with him last year. He said "cool you were in the league last year, right on." By that point the Seahawks Blue Thunder Drum section just kicked into gear escorting us the rest of the way into the party.
Inside the laser dome it was open bar (beer & wine) and all you can eat food and the best part about it was the band was hanging out with everyone. At least 1/3 or the crowd was friend and family. I had moments to talk with each AIC member individually and also met the commish from last years FF league. Everyone was in great spirits. Meg went around and maneuvered autographs from each band mate on her entry laminate & I had Jerry sign my Jersey. As soon as the vultures saw I had a Sharpe Jerry's happy face turned placid and my Sharpe took awhile to get back to me. When Jerry handed it back he gave me the look of don't do that to me again.
Getting nice and lubed by this point we sat back and got the monster treat of getting to hear the whole new album, Black Gives Way To Blue, from beginning to end. This is one great fucking album. Songs 6, 7, 9 & 11 left marks in my brain that I will never forget & Check My Brain is already a classic. Here was the track listing. I want to thank AIC for making this night Fuck n Bad ASS.
1. All Secrets Known
2. Check My Brain
3. Last Of My Kind
4. Your Decision
5. A Looking In View
6. When The Sun Rose Again
7. Acid Bubble
8. Lesson Learned
9. Take Her Out
10. Private Hell
11. Black Gives Way To Blue
More Pics Here
Jack White
I will stop pissing in your breakfast as soon as my heart beat slows down.